
Thoughts and ideas from Doha®
Who is Doha Inc? Introduction to Computer Store in Sagaponack — Doha Inc
October 9, 2019 at 12:00 AM
by Doha®

Are you on the market for a new computer, mobile phone, or wearable device, but aren’t interested in purchasing one outright? If this sounds like you, Doha Inc Laptops is just the company you’ve been looking for.

As a Hampton Classic sponsor, we pride ourselves on offering our clients the best laptops, mobile phones, and other devices on a subscription basis. That means instead of purchasing our products outright, you’ll pay a monthly subscription prices for your device.

Your device comes fully equipped

Don’t worry; when you subscribe to a device with Doha, it will come fully loaded with a full suite of apps and plugins that help you do the most with your laptop or smartphone. We install the latest, top-of-the-line software, so that you can enjoy your device to the greatest extent.

Not only does your device come fully equipped, but we offer the 30-second boot-up promise. This means that we guarantee your device will boot up in 30 seconds or less so that you can get on with your day instead of waiting for your computer to boot up.

Did you know that when it takes a long time for your laptop to boot, it might mean that there’s a deeper issue? With Doha, you always know that your computer is protected in healthy since all of our devices boot up in 30 seconds or less.

We don’t just offer laptops

If you’re thinking we just offer amazing laptops on a subscription basis, think again!

At Doha, we also offer projection systems, tablets, business devices, phones, wearables, and so much more. We know that owning the latest tech device can be expensive, but with Doha, it doesn’t have to be!

You’ll also love the many accessories we have to offer than can take your subscription tech devices to the next level!

We offer the software, too

Like we mentioned before, all of the tech that you subscribe to with Doha allows you to have access to the latest software and apps.

Apps are all the rage, and to enjoy your tech device as much as possible, you should have access to all the latest and greatest in terms of apps and software. At Doha, we know you’re interested, which is why we provide software and app suites with our devices.

I’m ready to subscribe to my device!

If Doha services seem like something that would make your life easier (we promise, it will!), then feel free to contact us today to talk more about the products and services we offer!

We pride ourselves on creating satisfied customers that enjoy countless tech devices on a monthly subscription-based cost table.

When you call now, we can answer all of your questions about pricing, devices offered, app suites included, and so much more. You won’t be disappointed in your decision to work with Doha!

To learn more about us, feel free to contact us today at 1-888-DOHAINC!

PC as a Service (PCaaS): A New Paradigm in Business Tech Management
September 13, 2024 at 5:00 AM
PCaaS helps organizations stay up to date on the latest tech

Business technology is changing at a pace faster than ever, and with it, the strategies that companies use to stay ahead of the curve. Enter PC as a Service (PCaaS) —a model that feels like it was pulled straight out of the future. With PCaaS, your hardware, software, support, and updates all come in a neatly wrapped subscription package. Read on to learn everything you need to know about this recent shift in business tech management.

What Is PC as a Service (PCaaS)?

In the simplest terms, PCaaS is like leasing your computer, your software, and your tech support all at once, but with the power and flexibility of a subscription model. Need the latest devices? Check. Want them to come preloaded with all the software your team needs? Done. Oh, and when that tech inevitably becomes outdated, you’ll get an upgrade—no hassle, no added expense.

The Benefits of PCaaS: Breaking Down the Advantages

Why is PCaaS such a big deal? It’s not just a fancy way to rent tech. This model fundamentally changes how businesses manage their IT infrastructure. Instead of tech being a source of constant frustration and ballooning costs, PCaaS turns it into a seamless, scalable asset. Here’s why businesses are making the shift:

1. Cost Efficiency: From Sinking Costs to Predictable Expenses

Remember when businesses had to drop a small fortune on tech every few years? Buying new computers, upgrading software, managing repairs—those costs added up fast. PCaaS flips the script. Now, instead of massive upfront investments, companies pay a manageable monthly fee. The cost is spread out over time, creating a more predictable cash flow.

2. Always Up-to-Date, Never Obsolete

How many times have companies been left holding the bag with tech that was outdated within two years of buying it? With PCaaS, that’s no longer an issue. Your tech is constantly refreshed, ensuring your business is always working with the latest hardware and software. As technology advances, so do you—effortlessly.

3. Scalability: Grow as Fast (or Slow) as You Need

One of the biggest headaches in tech management is scalability. Need more devices? You’re stuck sourcing, purchasing, and setting up. But PCaaS changes the game. Scaling up or down becomes as easy as updating your subscription. Imagine you land a huge new client and need to double your workforce fast—PCaaS has you covered.

4. Enhanced Security & Comprehensive Support

Tech support used to be a necessary evil. Something breaks, you call in your IT guy, and you lose a day waiting for it to be fixed. PCaaS eradicates that dynamic. Support is on-demand, and more importantly, it’s built into your package. No more downtime. And when it comes to security, PCaaS doesn’t leave you vulnerable. Updates, patches, security protocols—they all happen automatically.

The Broader Implications of PCaaS

It’s easy to get caught up in the obvious benefits—cost savings, scalability, support—but PCaaS represents something even bigger: the shift to a subscription economy. We’ve already seen it with Software as a Service (SaaS). Why buy software outright when you can subscribe and ensure you always have the latest version? PCaaS takes that idea and extends it to hardware, creating a fully integrated tech ecosystem.

A Future Where You Don’t Own Your Tech

PCaaS might very well signal the end of hardware ownership altogether. Think about it. Why would businesses tie themselves down to tech that’s outdated in a few years when they can constantly evolve? Imagine a future where no company actually “owns” its devices. Instead, everything from your desktop computers to your smartphones to your company’s entire IoT network is part of a subscription.

PCaaS unlocks the full potential of business technology without the usual headaches. Reach out to our team at Doha Inc. to learn more about our subscriptions.